stock / storage

Turn your excess inventory into profits

AERO CABIN SOLUTIONS offers its 5,000 square feet of modern stores and logistics facilities located in Montpellier, France.

Nowadays, cabin equipment and condition are key topics in the context of aircraft repossession and delivery. This is why our customers, aircraft lessors, airlines and DOA have chosen

to entrust us with their cabin equipment, stored free of charge in Montpellier.

Stock consigned with AERO CABIN SOLUTIONS will be professionally traded worldwide by our experienced sales staff, using the latest sales tools available to bring you the maximum financial return.

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145 seat repair

AERO CABIN SOLUTIONS has full capacity for the refurbishing of aircraft seating.

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Even used, a passenger seat conserves a residual market value that will significantly in crease after workshop and recertification processes.

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Spare parts &
equipment support

A spares supply service and AOG support is provided 24 hours a day in Montpellier - France.

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